Ukraine Crisis: Communist Revolution Will Put an End to Deadly Wars for Profit

The International Communist Workers’ Party condemns both the Russians invasion of Ukraine and US/NATO expansionist provocation in the region. This Inter-imperialist war is affecting the international working class and, as Putin’s recent statement illustrates, has the potential to lead to nuclear war. We call on workers and soldiers in Ukraine, Russia and around the world to turn their weapons on their own oppressors, and to fight for a communist world without exploitation, nations and war.


A comrade in South Africa, in response to the crisis in Ukraine said. “We are directly affected by this war. Petrol prices are going through the roof.  That means bread will be more expensive and the workers will have less to eat.”  The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is an imperialist war for profit that affects the US, Europe, and Russia directly and China and the rest of the world indirectly.

This crisis is affecting the international working class and soldiers everywhere. It is our opportunity to present the communist alternative to the devastation the profit-hungry bosses are inflicting on our class. This calls for a communist society where nothing will be produced for profit.  Communist society will eliminate wars for profit.  In a society without money, the working class will be able to build roads, houses, and hospitals that meet our needs.

We must struggle with our friends, coworkers, and neighbors now to link how the crisis in Ukraine is affecting our lives with the need for communist organizing.  We should write articles and letters to Red Flag that reflect how the crisis in Ukraine is affecting our lives and how mass communist organizing will put an end to these deadly wars for profit.

The crisis in Ukraine can quickly spiral out of control. The bosses will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons. Five major billionaires in Ukraine, three supported by the US and European bosses and two supported by Russian bosses, are controlling every aspect of workers’ lives.

The German rulers have just announced a massive increase of $130 billion for defense projects.  The bosses have cut off some Russian banks from the international finance system. They have closed their airspace to Russian flights and restricted Russian news.  These are signs of more drastic measures to come.

We will write articles analyzing the geopolitical significance of the crisis in the Red Flag. But our main struggle is to reach out to the workers and soldiers with our communist outlook. We are entering into a period of more intense wars, fascism, xenophobia, sexism as the bosses brutally attack our class in order to break our resolve. We will counter these attacks with communist organizing. We have tremendous confidence in the international working class to end the deadly profit system. Join ICWP and spread Red Flag.

Here are other articles about Ukraine that Red Flag has published recently:

ICWP Statement about Ukraine Crisis in Various Languages

  • In English: The International Communist Workers’ Party condemns both the Russians invasion of Ukraine and US/NATO expansionist provocation in the region. This Inter-imperialist war is affecting the international working class and, as Putin’s recent statement illustrates, has the potential to lead to nuclear war. We call on workers and soldiers in Ukraine, Russia and around the world to turn their weapons on their own oppressors, and to fight for a communist world without exploitation, nations and war.
  • Українською мовою: Міжнародна комуністична робоча партія засуджує як вторгнення Росії в Україну, так і експансіоністські провокації США/НАТО в регіоні. Ця міжімперіалістична війна вражає міжнародний робітничий клас і, як показує недавня заява Путіна, може призвести до ядерної війни. Ми закликаємо робітників і солдатів в Україні, Росії та в усьому світі підняти зброю проти власних гнобителів і боротися за комуністичний світ без експлуатації, націй і війни.
  • По русски: Международная коммунистическая рабочая партия осуждает как вторжение русских в Украину, так и экспансионистские провокации США/НАТО в регионе. Эта межимпериалистическая война затрагивает международный рабочий класс и, как показывает недавнее заявление Путина, может привести к ядерной войне. Мы призываем рабочих и солдат Украины, России и всего мира обратить оружие против своих угнетателей и бороться за коммунистический мир без эксплуатации, наций и войны.
  • Auf Deutsch: Die Internationale Kommunistische Arbeiterpartei verurteilt sowohl die russische Invasion in der Ukraine als auch die expansionistischen Provokationen der USA/NATO in der Region. Dieser zwischenimperialistische Krieg trifft die internationale Arbeiterklasse und hat, wie Putins jüngste Erklärung zeigt, das Potenzial, zu einem Atomkrieg zu führen. Wir rufen die Arbeiter und Soldaten in der Ukraine, in Russland und auf der ganzen Welt auf, ihre Waffen gegen ihre eigenen Unterdrücker zu richten und für eine kommunistische Welt ohne Ausbeutung, Nationen und Krieg zu kämpfen.
  • En Francais: Le Parti communiste international des travailleurs condamne à la fois l’invasion de l’Ukraine par les Russes et la provocation expansionniste des Etats-Unis et de l’OTAN dans la région. Cette guerre inter-impérialiste affecte la classe ouvrière internationale et, comme l’illustre la récente déclaration de Poutine, elle a le potentiel de mener à une guerre nucléaire. Nous appelons les travailleurs et les soldats en l’Ukraine, en Russie et dans le monde entier à retourner leurs armes contre leurs propres oppresseurs, et à lutter pour un monde communiste sans exploitation, sans nations et sans guerre.
  • Στα ελληνικα: Το Διεθνές Κομμουνιστικό Εργατικό Κόμμα καταδικάζει τόσο την εισβολή των Ρώσων στην Ουκρανία όσο και τις επεκτατικές προκλήσεις των ΗΠΑ/ΝΑΤΟ στην περιοχή. Αυτός ο ενδοϊμπεριαλιστικός πόλεμος πλήττει τη διεθνή εργατική τάξη και, όπως δείχνει η πρόσφατη δήλωση του Πούτιν, έχει τη δυνατότητα να οδηγήσει σε πυρηνικό πόλεμο. Καλούμε τους εργάτες και τους στρατιώτες στην Ουκρανία, στη Ρωσία και σε όλο τον κόσμο να στρέψουν τα όπλα τους ενάντια στους ίδιους τους καταπιεστές τους και να αγωνιστούν για έναν κομμουνιστικό κόσμο χωρίς εκμετάλλευση, έθνη και πόλεμο.
  • In limba romana: Partidul Muncitoresc Comunist Internațional condamnă atât invazia rușilor în Ucraina, cât și provocările expansioniste ale SUA/NATO în regiune. Acest război interimperialist afectează clasa muncitoare internațională și, după cum ilustrează declarația recentă a lui Putin, are potențialul de a duce la un război nuclear. Facem apel la muncitorii și soldații din Ucraina, din Rusia și din întreaga lume să își întoarcă armele împotriva propriilor lor asupritori și să lupte pentru o lume comunistă fără exploatare, națiuni și război.
  • In italiano: Il Partito Comunista Internazionale dei Lavoratori condanna sia l’invasione russa dell’Ucraina che la provocazione espansionistica USA/NATO nella regione. Questa guerra interimperialista sta colpendo la classe operaia internazionale e, come illustra la recente dichiarazione di Putin, ha il potenziale per portare alla guerra nucleare. Chiediamo ai lavoratori e ai soldati in Ucraina, in Russia e in tutto il mondo di rivolgere le loro armi contro i loro stessi oppressori, e di lottare per un mondo comunista senza sfruttamento, nazioni e guerra.
  • Em português: O Partido Comunista Internacional dos Trabalhadores condena tanto a invasão russa da Ucrânia como a provocação expansionista dos EUA/NATO na região. Esta guerra inter-imperialista está a afectar a classe trabalhadora internacional e, como a recente declaração de Putin ilustra, tem potencial para conduzir a uma guerra nuclear. Apelamos aos trabalhadores e soldados na Ucrânia, na Rússia e em todo o mundo para que voltem as suas armas contra os seus próprios opressores, e lutem por um mundo comunista sem exploração, nações e guerra.

  • На български: Международната комунистическа работническа партия осъжда както руската инвазия в Украйна, така и експанзионистичните провокации на САЩ и НАТО в региона. Тази междуимпериалистическа война засяга международната работническа класа и, както показва неотдавнашното изявление на Путин, има потенциала да доведе до ядрена война. Призоваваме работниците и войниците в Украйна, в Русия и по целия свят да обърнат оръжията си срещу собствените си потисници и да се борят за комунистически свят без експлоатация, нации и войни.
  • حزب بین المللی کمونیست کارگران هم حمله روس ها به اوکراین و هم تحریکات توسعه طلبانه آمریکا/ناتو در منطقه را محکوم می کند. این جنگ بین امپریالیستی طبقه کارگر بین المللی را تحت تأثیر قرار می دهد و همانطور که بیانیه اخیر پوتین نشان می دهد، ممکن است به جنگ هسته ای منجر شود. ما از کارگران و سربازان در اوکراین، روسیه و در سراسر جهان می‌خواهیم که سلاح‌های خود را بر سر ستمگران خود قرار دهند و برای جهانی کمونیستی بدون استثمار، ملت‌ها و جنگ مبارزه کنند.

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