Volume 11 Special Covid-19 Pandemic Edition

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Spain: Mercedes-Vitoria workers in Basque Country stop production when management refused to shut down the plant

Coronavirus Pandemic:  We Need to End Capitalism Sooner Rather than Later
Coronavirus Pandemic: We Need to End Capitalism Sooner Rather than Later
The Time to Mobilize Masses for Communism Is Now A garment worker in India said that most of them live in a small room with 10 people sleeping in several shifts and the factory...
Delhi Comrades Bring Food And Communism To The Masses
Delhi Comrades Bring Food And Communism To The Masses
DELHI, INDIA, April 1 --We are vigorously involved in helping and distributing food to the migrants in Delhi who are forced to return to their villages by Modi’s fascist lockdown. F...
Industrial Workers Take on Coronavirus, Capitalism
Industrial Workers Take on Coronavirus, Capitalism
ON THIS PAGE: Aerospace in Seattle, USA ♦ Garment in El Salvador ♦ Garment in Bangladesh ♦ Transit in Los Angeles, USA ♦ Auto in Spain ♦ Boeing Factories in Turmoil: Communis...
Coronavirus, Soldiers, and Communist Revolution: India and Mexico
Coronavirus, Soldiers, and Communist Revolution: India and Mexico
On This Page: Soldiers in India Discuss Communism ♦ Talking About Communism and the Coronavirus with Soldiers in Mexico ♦ Soldiers in India Discuss Communism My father is ...
Fight Bosses' Fascism - Mobilize Masses for Communism: India, Los Angeles
Fight Bosses' Fascism - Mobilize Masses for Communism: India, Los Angeles
On This Page: ♦ "Communist Revolution Now" Resounds in Delhi Streets ♦ Safer With the Masses ♦ "Communist Revolution Now" Resounds in Delhi Streets DELHI, INDIA—The fascist...
Hospital Workers on the Front Lines
Hospital Workers on the Front Lines
On This Page: Build ICWP to Transform Our Lives ♦ We Want to Care for Our Patients ♦ Build the International Communist Workers’ Party to Transform Our Lives! EL SALVADOR — The...
Science and Capitalism: Coronavirus, Crisis, and Imperialism
Science and Capitalism: Coronavirus, Crisis, and Imperialism
On This Page: Coronavirus and Capitalist Contradictions ♦ Why Capitalism Can't Be Fixed ♦ Masses Need Communism to Prevent New Diseases ♦ Coronavirus, Idealism and Imperialism ♦ ...
Letters to Red Flag from South Africa, Columbia, India, USA
Letters to Red Flag from South Africa, Columbia, India, USA
On This Page: Note to readers ♦ Need More Red Flags ♦ Class Struggle in the Time of Coronavirus ♦ Wants More ICWP Literature ♦ It’s Really Time to Try Communism ♦ How to Shar...