Volume 10, Number 16


Breaking News: Students protest fascist citizen laws. Ignites mass demonstrations in India and worldwide. (In English, en Español, en Français, em Português, auf Deutsch, in Italiano, по-русски)

Mass Protests Against Enormous Fee Increases at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, India


San Salvador, December, 2019 Port Elizabeth May, 2020

Los Angeles, USA, January 18, 2020 1 pm-7:30 pm

Dialectical materialism is about the way things work. As workers we struggle to build the world we envision. Come join us in discussions as we learn from each other and teach one another how to overcome our contradictions and obstacles as we build for a communist world where we produce for human need, not profits, without racism, sexism, or borders.

Contact us by email at : icwp@anonymousspeech.com

Main page

New Communist Collectives Emerge From Mass Struggles And Deeper Social Ties
New Communist Collectives Emerge From Mass Struggles And Deeper Social Ties
INDIA Madhu was seventeen when she came to New Delhi to enroll at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU). She grew up in a remote village with no electricity, toilets or running water. Her father, a day worker with a family of six, borrowed money...
Why We Need Communist Philosophy, Part I
We see signs of the crisis of world capitalism everywhere. Workers, students, soldiers and farmers are joining mass protests from Venezuela to France to New Delhi and more. The bosses are losing their ideological control of the masses. Important politicians...
Revolution, Not Rugby, Will Liberate South African Masses
Revolution, Not Rugby, Will Liberate South African Masses
Tackling Racism with Communist Basebuilding November 15, 2019 — The South African team Springboks recently upset England to win the World Rugby Championship. Siya Kolisi, the first-ever black captain of the Springboks, grew up in Zwide township, P...
“The Future Of The Working Class Is Only About Communism”
“The Future Of The Working Class Is Only About Communism”
Los Angeles Transit Workers LOS ANGELES (USA), November 28—Our weekly meeting of transit workers focused on inviting other workers to the January 18 celebration of 10 years of the International Communist Workers’ Party. H talked about the party’s achie...
Trump Impeachment Sharpens Fight Among U.S. Rulers
US Imperialists Fight for Their Empire – Let’s Not do the Same! USA, December 9 – Republicans call it a “witch hunt.” Democrats call it a “fight against corruption and abuse of power.” Actually, the Trump impeachment fight is about the future of US ...
In Communism We Will Build Housing That Meets the Needs of the Masses
In Communism We Will Build Housing That Meets the Needs of the Masses
June 2015, San Salvador, El Salvador Fighting evictions; fighting for communism CALIFORNIA (USA), Dec. 11—There are some 63,500 homeless people and some 106 billionaires in the San Francisco Bay Area. Something is rotten in an area where tent cities s...
Hong Kong: Inter-imperialist Rivalry and the Illusion of Democracy
December 11 — Hong Kong residents, mainly led by students, have protested massively for close to six months. These protests are part of a continuing movement that opposes Chinese rule over Hong Kong. They were provoked by threats to send protestors t...
Worldwide Crisis of Capitalism is Deadly for Migrants
Worldwide Crisis of Capitalism is Deadly for Migrants
Fight For a Communist World Without Borders Garment worker comrades in a protest against deportations and wage slavery from Los Angeles to Bangladesh in 2013. In the 1970s, workers from Mexico and Central America fled their homes. US imperialism...
El Salvador: Chinese & U.S. Capitalists Compete to Exploit Workers
EL SALVADOR—Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele has announced more Chinese “aid” for cooperation projects as well as the signing of cooperation agreements in tourism, economy and other areas. China is expanding economically and militarily throughout Latin...
20th Anniversary of the Battle of Seattle
20th Anniversary of the Battle of Seattle
When Masses Debated Communism Only social practice can be the criterion of truth. —Mao Zedong Seattle, 1999 SEATTLE (USA), Nov. 30— Here, twenty years ago, fifty thousand demonstrated against the World Trade Organization (WTO). They broke mar...
Letters, Vol 10, No 16
Letters, Vol 10, No 16
LETTERS, CRITICISM AND SUGGESTIONS South Africa: Struggling with Miners About the Role of Unions On our trip to Rustenburg, comrades from Port Elizabeth met with some of the new comrades who are forming the nucleus of the ICWP collective there....
Students protest fascist citizen laws. Ignites mass demonstrations in India
Breaking News Fascist government in India passed two laws recently that essentially declare over 210 million Muslims in India as internal enemies. Jamia Milia is a predominately Muslim University in New Delhi, India. In response to these fascist...
En Français: Des étudiants protestent contre les lois fascistes sur la citoyenneté.
Ils ont déclenché des manifestations de masse en Inde Le gouvernement fasciste de l'Inde a récemment adopté deux lois qui déclarent essentiellement que plus de 210 millions de musulmans en Inde sont des ennemis internes. Jamia Milia est une univ...
Em português: Estudantes protestam contra as leis fascistas da cidadania
O governo fascista na Índia aprovou recentemente duas leis que essencialmente declaram mais de 210 milhões de muçulmanos na Índia como inimigos internos. Jamia Milia é uma universidade predominantemente muçulmana em Nova Deli, Índia. Em resposta a essa...
Auf Deutsch: Studenten protestieren gegen faschistische Bürgergesetze. Sie lösten Massendemonstrationen in Indien aus
Die faschistische Regierung in Indien hat kürzlich zwei Gesetze verabschiedet, die im Wesentlichen über 210 Millionen Muslime in Indien zu inneren Feinden erklären. Jamia Milia ist eine überwiegend muslimische Universität in Neu-Delhi, Indien. Als ...
In italiano: Gli studenti protestano contro le leggi fasciste sulla cittadinanza
Hanno dato il via a manifestazioni di massa in India Il governo fascista in India ha recentemente approvato due leggi che dichiarano essenzialmente nemici interni oltre 210 milioni di musulmani in India. Jamia Milia è un'università prevalentemente m...
Breaking News
Breaking News
About Protests of Fascist India Citizenship Law Protest in Los Angeles, California Message of Solidarity for Students at Jamia Milia University from Mexican Students The news of the repression suffered by the students of Jamia Milia University...
По-русски: Студенты протестуют против фашистских законов о гражданстве. Они устроили массовые демонстрации в Индии.
Недавно фашистское правительство Индии приняло два закона, которые фактически объявляют более 210 миллионов мусульман в Индии внутренними врагами. Джамия Милия - это преимущественно мусульманский университет в Нью-Дели, Индия. В ответ на эти фашистски...
En Français: La crise mondiale du capitalisme est mortelle pour les migrants
Lutter Pour un Monde Communiste Sans Frontières Dans les années 1970, des travailleurs du Mexique et d'Amérique centrale ont fui leurs foyers. L'impérialisme américain et les capitalistes locaux avaient rendu la survie impossible. Certains sont venu...