Volume 11, May Day 2020 Special Edition

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May Day Los Angeles, USA

Virtual Communist May Day 2020
Virtual Communist May Day 2020
Virtual May Day Rally Breaks National Borders, Builds International Fight for Communism   AROUND THE WORLD, May 3—”I will be a loyal member of the party and I will do ...
Build ICWP for a Communist World
Build ICWP for a Communist World
Los Angeles Comrade: Long Live the Working Masses! Long Live Communism! The coronavirus and the capitalist crisis have put our Party to the test. These are historic events. The...
Greetings from Malaysia and India
Greetings from Malaysia and India
Red Salute from Kashmiri Worker in Malaysia Comrades, in Kashmir, I was a member of the large left-oriented Jammu and Kashmir Student Federation. After that I was attracted...
South Africa: Communist Philosophy and Work
South Africa: Communist Philosophy and Work
South Africa: Hastening the Fall of Capitalism Under the cloud of the pandemic, capitalism slows for everyone to see, and the strength of the working class is also there for everyone...
El Salvador: Communist Solidarity in Practice
El Salvador: Communist Solidarity in Practice
Today the International Communist Workers’ Party is commemorating May Day, a very important day for the entire working class. Today we are not in the streets, but we will return e...
May Day in Los Angeles
May Day in Los Angeles
Los Angeles Transit Workers Adapt, Grow and Celebrate May Day The energy of our study group is growing exponentially. But due to the current pandemic crisis, our group sessions...
Workers' Lives Worth More Than Capitalists' Profits
Workers' Lives Worth More Than Capitalists' Profits
Puerto Rico: Our Lives Are Worth More Than Their Profits Revolutionary communist and internationalist greetings from the Organization of Communist Workers and Students for Social...
Creating Communist Collectives
Creating Communist Collectives
 U.S. and Canadian Pacific Northwest:   I work at Boeing, which used to be the biggest aerospace company in the world. No more! We have chronicled the demise of this huge capitalist c...