Volume 11, Number 5

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May Day: End Pandemic Capitalism with Communist Labor
May Day: End Pandemic Capitalism with Communist Labor
It’s hardly a secret: Covid-19 is the disease, but capitalism is the pandemic. Never have class divisions been starker, nor their effects more deadly.   Never have so few stolen so ...
Join Us in an International Virtual May Day Rally
Join Us in an International Virtual May Day Rally
Capitalist crisis and the global Covid-19 pandemic are attacking our class. But around the world, workers are stepping up in anger at the system and solidarity with their fellow workers...
India: Starve the Bosses, Fight for Communism
India: Starve the Bosses, Fight for Communism
“Starve The Bosses To Death, Fight For Communist Revolution” April 20 – “Look at this endless queue of hungry people,” said a comrade. “They have built the cities. They toiled long...
Coronavirus Crisis Sharpens InterImperialist Rivalry
Coronavirus Crisis Sharpens InterImperialist Rivalry
The World Health Organization and Inter-Imperialist Rivalry: Masses Led by Communist Workers, Soldiers and Sailors Will Take Down All Imperialists LOS ANGELES (USA), April 18— “...
Workers of the World, Unite for Communism!
Workers of the World, Unite for Communism!
Workers are Fighters, Not Victims -- Communism Will Put an End to Bosses Who Treat Us Like Guinea Pigs PUGET SOUND, WASHINGTON (US)—Twenty-seven thousand Boeing workers were o...
Capitalism: "Let it Rot"
Capitalism: "Let it Rot"
WASHINGTON STATE (US), April 19—While farmworkers’ Covid-19 cases spike, growers and reformist worker advocates have been wasting precious time talking to state agencies. Today, the...
El Salvador: Communist Solidarity in Practice
El Salvador: Communist Solidarity in Practice
“To Each According to Need” – Practice Communist Principles Today   EL SALVADOR, March 15— “We have to collect something to help the comrades who haven’t gotten paid this past tw...
South Africa: Mobilizing for Communism in the Townships
South Africa: Mobilizing for Communism in the Townships
In Crisis and Chaos, There Is Always Opportunity PORT ELIZABETH, SOUTH AFRICA— The virus has created opportunities for us as a collective and as a Party, which we need to seize. ...
Capitalism Causes “Excess Mortality”
Capitalism Causes “Excess Mortality”
We Are Not Just Victims; We Can Be Fighters for Communist Healthcare If you want a preview of the deadly mayhem that will ensue when the capitalists decide to “open the economy,” jus...
Communist Workers’ Power Will Defeat Capitalism’s Racism
Communist Workers’ Power Will Defeat Capitalism’s Racism
Defeat Capitalism’s Racism and Fascism -- Fight for Communist Workers’ Power   USA, April 21—The first child known to have died of Covid-19 in Detroit was five-year-old Skyler...
Letters to Red Flag
Letters to Red Flag
PLEASE SEND US YOUR LETTERS, RESPONSES AND SUGGESTIONS TO ICWP@ANONYMOUSSPEECH.ORG LOS ANGELES  (USA), April 19—Dozens of cars and angry marchers circled Mayor Garcetti’s mans...
En Français: Ce n'est pas un secret : Covid-19 est la maladie, mais le capitalisme est la pandémie
En Français: Ce n'est pas un secret : Covid-19 est la maladie, mais le capitalisme est la pandémie
Jamais les divisions de classe n'ont été aussi marquées, ni leurs effets aussi meurtriers.   Jamais si peu de gens n'ont volé autant de la richesse que les travailleurs produisent et n'...