Volume 11, Number 6

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In India, 50 million internal migrants, displaced by COVID-19, are trying to get home.

Racist Cops Murder George Floyd: Wake-up Call for Communist Revolution
Racist Cops Murder George Floyd: Wake-up Call for Communist Revolution
Our brother George Floyd – an African American worker – was publicly executed on May 25 by four Minneapolis (USA) fascist cops. The simmering anger of the masses boiled over int...
India: Communist Youth and Workers Advance
India: Communist Youth and Workers Advance
DELHI, INDIA, May 18 –We are in the ninth week of food distribution to the migrants. It started as an attempt by a handful of comrades to provide food to the hungry masses. It has r...
Seattle, USA: Industrial Workers Essential
Seattle, USA: Industrial Workers Essential
Essential to Communist Revolution: Boeing Workers Struggle to Build Confidence in The Working Class SEATTLE, USA— “You can’t change history. What is, is!” said a Boeing Red Fla...
Communism Will End Racism and Homelessness
Communism Will End Racism and Homelessness
Racism, Covid-19 and Capitalism’s Shelter Crisis: Communism Is in the House! You can’t “shelter at home” without a home.   That’s millions of our working-class family around the ...
El Salvador: Fighting Fascism and Hunger
El Salvador: Fighting Fascism and Hunger
Exchange White Flags of Hunger for Red Flags of Communism Here in El Salvador, in recent days, many families are putting up any piece of white cloth they find, outside their home...
China: All Capitalists are Paper Tigers
China: All Capitalists are Paper Tigers
The Masses Mobilized Worldwide for Communism Will Shred Them All to Pieces U.S. imperialism in appearance is very powerful but in reality, it is a paper tiger.” Mao Zedong, Chinese c...
Capitalism Means Starvation Amidst Plenty
Capitalism Means Starvation Amidst Plenty
To Feed the World, Fight for Communism! PACIFIC NORTHWEST, US - The UN says a billion people will face hunger and starvation as a result of the pandemic. But it’s not the pandemic. I...
Workers, Science and COVID-19
Workers, Science and COVID-19
Communist Science and Health: “All of us or none!” Bus drivers are wearing masks these days. But if the driver wears a mask, but the bus riders don’t, the driver is not protected. Her m...
Chile: Angry, Hungry Masses Need Communist Revolution
Chile: Angry, Hungry Masses Need Communist Revolution
Hungry Workers Fight, Capitalist Bosses Tremble! From Cape Town, South Africa to Santiago, Chile, thousands of workers around the world have begun to rebel for lack of food. Red...
Letters from Readers, Los Angeles, USA
Letters from Readers, Los Angeles, USA
The Democratic Party Will Not Save Us from Unemployment or Homelessness.             Trump is the most visible face of racism and fascism but the journey to where we are now is...
More Letters to Red Flag
More Letters to Red Flag
Fight for the Liberation of Our Class I congratulate the comrades of the ICWP who organized the online May Day celebration. I am grateful for having participated in this important...
En Français: Flics racistes assassinent George Floyd : appel au réveil de la révolution communiste
En Français: Flics racistes assassinent George Floyd : appel au réveil de la révolution communiste
Notre frère George Floyd - un travailleur afro-américain - a été exécuté publiquement le 25 mai par quatre flics fascistes de Minneapolis (USA). La colère latente des masses s'est ...