Volume 12, Number 2

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Farmers’ encampment outside Delhi, India. Since January 26, Punjabi women farmworkers have played a growing role in these protests

India: Communist Conversations in Farmers’ Protest Encampment
India: Communist Conversations in Farmers’ Protest Encampment
India: Workers’ Communist Collectives Grow DELHI, INDIA, Feb. 16—“Repealing those three fascist laws will not end misery, suicides, mounting debts, unpredictable climate chang...
El Salvador: Communist Collectives Grow in Factories
El Salvador: Communist Collectives Grow in Factories
EL SALVADOR— “When will we organize the broader meetings with the ICWP and Red Flag comrades again?” This is a very frequent question. “The women and men workers in the factori...
International Women’s Day: Communism Will Transform Everyday Life
International Women’s Day: Communism Will Transform Everyday Life
Day nursery in Soviet Turkmenistan International Working Women’s Day invites us to renew the fight for a communist society. In communism, working together and seeing all workers a...
Party Collectives: Building Blocks of Communism
Party Collectives: Building Blocks of Communism
Leadership meeting focuses on Party Collectives ♦ Growing Party Collectives ♦ ICWP meeting in South Africa   ICWP Leadership Meeting Focuses on Party Collectives, the ...
Paris Commune, 1871: Fighting to Abolish Sexism and All Exploitation
Paris Commune, 1871: Fighting to Abolish Sexism and All Exploitation
Celebrating the Paris Commune of 1871 by Mobilizing Masses for Communism Today -- Part II March 8 is International Working Women’s Day. We honor the women and men who, 150 years a...
Myanmar: Need Communism, Not Democracy
Myanmar: Need Communism, Not Democracy
Military Coup in Myanmar Feb. 16—The masses in Myanmar (Burma) are defiantly protesting the Feb. 1st military coup that overthrew Aung San Suu Kyi’s civilian government. D...
Letters: Communist Solidarity with India Farmers’ Struggle
Letters: Communist Solidarity with India Farmers’ Struggle
Need for Workers' Rule ♦ Pakistan Solidarity ♦ South Africa Solidarity ♦ Los Angeles, USA India Farmers’ Protest Shows Need for Workers’ Rule Indeed...
Immigration: Destroy Capitalist Borders and Wage Slavery
Immigration: Destroy Capitalist Borders and Wage Slavery
Garment Worker writes ♦ Building Solidarity Across Borders ♦ Immigration Reform or No, I Will Continue to Fight for a Communist World I have been a garment wor...
Letters: End Capitalism’s Racism, Imperialism and Money
Letters: End Capitalism’s Racism, Imperialism and Money
Haiti General Strike ♦  Abolish money ♦ Review of "American Skin" ♦ Haiti: General Strike Shows Need to Mobilize the Masses For Communism February 17—A g...
Letters: Covid-19 and Capitalism
Letters: Covid-19 and Capitalism
Spain: Workers Need Communism, not Elections ♦ USA neighbors discuss communist healthcare ♦ South Africa-Need to Uproot wasteful capitalism ♦ Spain: Workers Need ...

Join the International Communist Workers’ Party
www.icwpredflag.org — Twitter @RedFlagBandera
E-mail: icwp@anonymousspeech.com
Instagram: @icwprf   Facebook: icwpredflag
Write to: P.M.B. 362 3006 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA