Volume 13, Number 3

The International Communist Workers’ Party condemns both the Russians invasion of Ukraine and US/NATO expansionist provocation in the region. This Inter-imperialist war is affecting the international working class and, as Putin’s recent statement illustrates, has the potential to lead to nuclear war. We call on workers and soldiers in Ukraine, Russia and around the world to turn their weapons on their own oppressors, and to fight for a communist world without exploitation, nations and war. More here

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Ukraine: Turn Imperialist War into Communist Revolution Everywhere
Ukraine: Turn Imperialist War into Communist Revolution Everywhere
Turn Imperialist War into Fight for communism ♦ Comrades Worldwide Call for Communist Response ♦ Natural Gas Fuels Ukraine War ♦ Turn Imperialist War Among...
Ukraine: Racism, Fascism and War go Hand in Hand
Ukraine: Racism, Fascism and War go Hand in Hand
Indian Medical Students leaving Ukraine Describe Ordeal ♦ War Fuels Racism; Racism Fuels War ♦ Deepening the Struggle for Communism ♦ New Delhi (India), Feb. ...
Sharpeville Massacre Anniversary: Fight to End Racist Capitalism
Sharpeville Massacre Anniversary: Fight to End Racist Capitalism
South Africa 1956 Women leading the struggle against apartheid pass laws Fighting Capitalism’s Racism and Xenophobia Then and Now CAPE TOWN (South Africa)—On the 21st of ...
El Salvador: Organizing Factory Workers into ICWP
El Salvador: Organizing Factory Workers into ICWP
Wage Slavery Must Die ♦ Ukraine War Motivates Worker to Join ICWP ♦ Communist Struggle in Maquilas ♦ Death of a Working Class Fighter ♦ Wage Slavery...
U.S.A.: Fighting Racism for Revolution in Communities and Schools
U.S.A.: Fighting Racism for Revolution in Communities and Schools
We Don’t Need Drugs, We Need Revolution ♦ Racist Attacks on College Students ♦ Communist Ideas Welcomed at Oakland Protest ♦ Oakland, CA, USA, March 4—Over ...
Egalitarian Societies:  Past and Future. What are Communist Values?
Egalitarian Societies: Past and Future. What are Communist Values?
Indigenous village of Secotan on Roanoke Island (now part of North Carolina, USA) as painted by English artist John White in 1586. Notice the images of collective life and equal-sized...
Communist Conversations about Ukraine
Communist Conversations about Ukraine
Classroom Conversations ♦  From South Africa to Ukraine ♦ Transit Worker “Ukraine is a Billionaire’s War” ♦ Anti-War Russian Soldiers and Civilians Need to Fight for...
More On Ukraine: Letters and Articles
More On Ukraine: Letters and Articles
What should communists do right now in Ukraine? People in Ukraine are resisting the Russian imperialist invasion. These forces are heavily infiltrated with Nazis, organized by...
Letters: Fighting Capitalism’s Divisive Ideologies
Letters: Fighting Capitalism’s Divisive Ideologies
Northern Ireland: Wage Labor Basis of Sectarian Divide ♦ Abolishing Money can Wage Slavery will Strike a Blow against Sexism ♦ Dreams to Liberate  Through Communism here...
Capitalist Crisis : Grocery Workers Go Hungry
Capitalist Crisis : Grocery Workers Go Hungry
Southern California Feb 28—Unionized workers picket supermarkets ahead of a possible March Strike. Seventy-five percent of Kroger workers report being food insecure. 14 % have been h...

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NEW E-mail: icwp@nym.hush.com
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Write to: P.M.B. 362 3006 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA