Volume 13, Number 4

Previous Articles on Ukraine Crisis hereSitio en Español aquí 

March on May Day 2022 with ICWP to End Fascist Terror and Imperialist War with Communist Revolution

India: Communist Workers and Soldiers Will Make History
India: Communist Workers and Soldiers Will Make History
India General Strike Fight to Destroy Capitalist Bosses, Not to Defend Them-- Communist Soldiers Can Change the World INDIA, March 27— “When I read the story of an Indian med...
Ukraine: Imperialist War Spreads Worldwide
Ukraine: Imperialist War Spreads Worldwide
Building a New Communist World ♦ When the Rulers Talk Peace ♦ Yemen: March 18—Masses protest murderous blockade of fuel, food and other necessities amidst Saudi-led war. ...
South Africa Student Strike: Fight Xenophobia and Anti-Communism, Recruit New Members
South Africa Student Strike: Fight Xenophobia and Anti-Communism, Recruit New Members
Sign reads “Workers of the World, Unite for Communist Revolution” in Xhosa  Student Strike in South Africa:  PORT ELIZABETH (South Africa), March 30— The conflict in Ukraine has ram...
El Salvador: Sweatshop Workers Confront Martial Law, Organize for Communism
El Salvador: Sweatshop Workers Confront Martial Law, Organize for Communism
Martial Law ♦ Red Flag fights ♦ Communist women ♦ Let’s fight for a communist society ♦ "Mobilize the Masses for Communism -- ICWP" Martial Law in El...
Ukraine: Defeat All Fascists and Imperialists
Ukraine: Defeat All Fascists and Imperialists
Workers Must Turn Imperialist War into Revolution ♦ NATO uses Ukrainian fascists ♦ Can workers do the impossible again ♦ US-Russia War in Ukraine:  Fascist War Cr...
Paris Commune of 1871: Celebrate Workers' Power
Paris Commune of 1871: Celebrate Workers' Power
Revolutionary Spirit of 1871 Paris Commune Inspires Communist May Day EL SALVADOR — The working class of Paris took power in March 1871 and held it for 71 days.  Although a ...
Prehistory Shows: We Can End Sexism and Class Society
Prehistory Shows: We Can End Sexism and Class Society
Sexism and Class Society:  Don’t Blame Neolithic Farmers. Let’s Choose to Live Our Collective Lives as Communists LOS ANGELES (USA), March 11— “To see an agricultural society ...
US Transit Workers: Communism Can End Racism
US Transit Workers: Communism Can End Racism
Communism Can End Racism ♦ Anti-racist Movements ♦ Palestine, March 9— A general strike shut down much of Gaza, the occupied West Bank, and East Jerusalem. Masse...
Letters Talking With Workers About Ukraine Crisis
Letters Talking With Workers About Ukraine Crisis
Let’s Defeat racism (Spain) ♦ War and Racism Go Hand in Hand ♦ Don't Die Defending Capitalism! ♦ Madrid, Spain, March 24—Truckers strike against rising fu...

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