Volume 13, Number 8

June 22, 2022 to July 13, 2022. Sitio en Español aquí 

LATEST: Masses Rebel in Ecuador | New Abortion Ban in U. S.

India: Unemployed Youth Rebel Against Army Reform
India: Unemployed Youth Rebel Against Army Reform
India Youth Rebellions: “Organize Inside the Army to Serve the People” DELHI (India), June 19 —Millions of youths in several dozen cities in India descended on the streets to pr...
Sri Lanka Uprising Inspires Expanded Communist Organizing in India
Sri Lanka Uprising Inspires Expanded Communist Organizing in India
April 3, Colombo, Sri Lanka: protestors block highway Growing Unrest Spreads Worldwide CHENNAI (India), June 19— “What would happen if we had thousands of ICWP members in ...
El Salvador: Factory Workers Defy Boss-Union Attacks and Martial Law
El Salvador: Factory Workers Defy Boss-Union Attacks and Martial Law
“Give me a red ICWP shirt” ♦ Persecutions and arbitrary arrests ♦ ICWP Factory Workers Fight Boss-Union Attacks EL SALVADOR— “Give us some Red Flag t-shirts (...
South Africa: Mobilizing Industrial Workers for Communism
South Africa: Mobilizing Industrial Workers for Communism
Communist theory and practice ♦ Water crisis caused by capitalism ♦ Communist Practice, Theory, and Relationship-Building in South Africa June 21—In the past ...
South Africa: Letters to Red Flag
South Africa: Letters to Red Flag
Learning about mobilizing for communism ♦ Communist struggle “a breath of fresh air” ♦ South African comrades inspire us all ♦ Learning About Mobilizing for Commu...
Protests at Summit of the Americas
Protests at Summit of the Americas
US Imperialism Declining and Interest in Communism Rising LOS ANGELES (USA), June 10— “Revolutionary communist? Sure, let me have one.” That’s how many responded to Red Flag w...
End Capitalist Violence with Communist Revolution
End Capitalist Violence with Communist Revolution
Gun Control Cannot Protect Us ♦ Who should control guns? ♦ El Salvador We have learned from experience that a communist revolution requires a party with a mass bas...
Develop International Communist Mass Leaders Amidst Growing Fascism
Develop International Communist Mass Leaders Amidst Growing Fascism
Building personal/political relationships ♦ Communist internationalism builds Red Flag networks ♦ Building Political/Personal Relationships: The Continuing Struggle to ...
Workers Need Revolution and Communism, not Democracy and Justice
Workers Need Revolution and Communism, not Democracy and Justice
Government workers strike in Tunisia ♦ US January 6 Hearings ♦ U. S. January 6 Hearings:  Fight Sharpens Among US Rulers Workers Need Communist Revolution, Not Capi...
More letters to Red Flag
More letters to Red Flag
Resolve contradictions to build stronger ICWP ♦ Education in pandemic times ♦ Communism: solution to growing inequality Resolving Contradictions to Build the ICWP/PCOI We ...

Join the International Communist Workers’ Party
www.icwpredflag.org — Twitter @RedFlagBandera
NEW E-mail: icwp@nym.hush.com
Instagram: @icwprf   Facebook: icwpredflag
Write to: P.M.B. 362 3006 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA