Volume 13, Number 9

July 13, 2022 to August 3, 2022. Sitio en Español aquí 

Sri Lanka Uprising Calls Masses Worldwide to Mobilize for Communist Revolution

Sri Lanka masses storm government building

Sri Lanka: Revolutionary Situation Demands More Revolutionary Communists
Sri Lanka: Revolutionary Situation Demands More Revolutionary Communists
Only communism can end starvation ♦ Build the ICWP internationally ♦ Garment workers: India to Sri Lanka ♦ Sri Lanka Crisis:  Only Communism Can End Starva...
Reformists Betray the Rebelling Ecuadorian Masses
Reformists Betray the Rebelling Ecuadorian Masses
Only Communism Can Destroy Capitalism and its Wage Slavery July 8— After eighteen days of massive demonstrations that paralyzed Ecuador, the leaders of CONAIE (Confederation o...
Mobilizing for Communism in South Africa
Mobilizing for Communism in South Africa
Youth bring communism to mine workers ♦  Recruit militant women workers to ICWP ♦ Capitalist rivalry creates energy crisis for workers ♦ 2012 Marikana Massacre ♦...
El Salvador: Organizing for Communism in the Factories
El Salvador: Organizing for Communism in the Factories
Industrial Workers Are Key here Defying the bosses’ fascism ♦ Red Flag discussion groups ♦ Organizing Industrial Workers:Key to Communist Revolution EL SALVA...
All Workers Share Class Interest in Defeating Racism with Communist Revolution
All Workers Share Class Interest in Defeating Racism with Communist Revolution
Akron (USA): Police murder of Jaylon Walker ♦ Deadly racist Replacement Theory serves capitalism ♦ Mass protest of police murder of Jaylon Walker in Akron, Ohio (US...
For a Communist World without Nations or Borders
For a Communist World without Nations or Borders
Migrant workers’ deaths are part of capitalisms’ plans ♦ ICWP Pamphlet: "Fight For the Day When No Worker Will be Called Foreigner" ♦ Deaths of Migrants Are Part of...
Anti-Abortion Laws: More Fascist Attacks on the Working Class
Anti-Abortion Laws: More Fascist Attacks on the Working Class
Working-class unity will defeat sexism with communist revolution ♦   ICWP pamphlet: "The Communist Fight Against Sexism" ♦   US Supreme Court Ruling: Defeat Fasci...
Remembering Our Comrades
Remembering Our Comrades
Epifanio Camacho, A Life of Communist Struggle ♦ Gustavo Bracho,  A Communist Fighter ♦ Epifanio Camacho, A Life of Communist Struggle Working class hero Epif...
Letters: Building a Mass ICWP
Letters: Building a Mass ICWP
MTA Workers ♦ A Mass Party is Key ♦ Theory and Practice: Transit Workers Learn from Criticism and Self-Criticism “The pandemic has limited us, but I liked somet...

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