Volume 14, Number 1

Tyre Nichols Murder: Defeat Racist Terror with Communist Revolution!

From January 25, 2023 to February 15, 2023
Sitio en Español aquí 

Peru, January 2023


Rebellion in Peru: Need and Opportunity for Communism
Rebellion in Peru: Need and Opportunity for Communism
January 24— “We have criminal ministers, murderous presidents, and we live like animals in the midst of so much abundance that they steal every day,” said a farmer organizer from ...
India: Communist Philosophy, Workers’ Weapon Against Capitalism
India: Communist Philosophy, Workers’ Weapon Against Capitalism
 New Delhi, India, April 22, 2022 Workers Use Communist Philosophy in the Fight to End Capitalism INDIA, January 20— “I used to think that my life was horrible, it was neve...
South Africa: Mobilizing Industrial Workers for Communism
South Africa: Mobilizing Industrial Workers for Communism
South Africa:  Red Flag Study Group Mobilizes for Communism ♦ Mobilizing for Communism among Factory Workers ♦ South Africa:  Red Flag Study Group Mobilizes for C...
Consistent Red Flag Distribution to Los Angeles Transit Workers Creates a Political Base for ICWP
Consistent Red Flag Distribution to Los Angeles Transit Workers Creates a Political Base for ICWP
LOS ANGELES (USA), January 20— “I just want to tell you – although I don’t agree with everything you guys stand for – I really, really appreciate your being out here throughout the years...
Soldiers Key to Communist Revolution: Philippine Struggle Against US Imperialism
Soldiers Key to Communist Revolution: Philippine Struggle Against US Imperialism
Philippine Battles: How Communist Soldiers Can Destroy the Imperialists’ Armed Might ♦ The Philippine Huk Insurgency and the Failed “United Front” Strategy ♦   U...
USA: Schools and Colleges Serve Capitalists, Not Workers
USA: Schools and Colleges Serve Capitalists, Not Workers
San Francisco Community College (California, USA) students protest pay hikes for administrators amidst class cutbacks, 2019 US Bosses Sacrifice Colleges on the Altar of Profits--Communist...
USA: Capitalism’s Profit-Hungry Racism Destroys Workers’ Lives
USA: Capitalism’s Profit-Hungry Racism Destroys Workers’ Lives
Damar Hamlin and the NFL Bosses: Capitalism’s Profit-Hungry Racism Destroys Workers’ Lives ♦ It’s Not Just the NFL ♦ Three Police Murders in Forty-Eight Hours Show Need...
Letters From El Salvador
Letters From El Salvador
Fighting for Communism is Fighting for Life ♦ Base Growing for Communist Revolution ♦ A cordial greeting to all the comrades of our ICWP and Red Flag party! ♦ ...
The Importance of Participating in the ICWP International Communist Conference
The Importance of Participating in the ICWP International Communist Conference
A Door Opens So We Can Continue Weaving and Transforming Across Any Borders This was a very valuable experience. What we have woven collectively will contribute to our lives...
More Letters: Ukrainian Refugees, Sexism, Gun Violence
More Letters: Ukrainian Refugees, Sexism, Gun Violence
Ukrainian Refugee in England: More the Same Than Different here♦ Fighting Sexism: Communist Criticism and Self-Criticism ♦ Looking for Civilization?  We Won’t Find It in Capi...

Join the International Communist Workers’ Party
www.icwpredflag.org — Twitter @RedFlagBandera
NEW E-mail: icwp@nym.hush.com
Instagram: @icwprf   Facebook: icwpredflag
Write to: P.M.B. 362 3006 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA