Volume 14, Number 4

From March 29, 2023 to April 19, 2023
Sitio en Español aquí 

Pension Rebellions Rock France

France: Communism Will End Lifelong Wage Slavery and Inequality
France: Communism Will End Lifelong Wage Slavery and Inequality
Massive French Protests Against Pension Reform ♦ Paris Commune: Imperialist War Created Conditions for Communist Revolution ♦ Massive French Protests Against Pen...
South Africa: Capitalist Crisis Demands Communist Revolution, not Socialist Reform
South Africa: Capitalist Crisis Demands Communist Revolution, not Socialist Reform
Fighting for Communist Revolution, not Socialist Reform Among the Masses ♦ Kenya Masses Have the Cops on the Run ♦ To End Capitalist Crisis: Fight for Communist Rev...
USA: Communist Relationships on School Worker Picket Lines
USA: Communist Relationships on School Worker Picket Lines
On the Picket Lines in Los Angeles School Strike ♦ Oakland Teachers Wildcat Strike ♦ Seattle High School Drawing: You May Be Suffering from Capitalism ♦ On the P...
How US banking Crisis Destroys Workers’ Lives
How US banking Crisis Destroys Workers’ Lives
Banking Crisis Exposes Capitalist Social Relations ♦ China-US Imperialist Competition and the Banking Crisis ♦ Even Highly Skilled Immigrant Workers Under Attack ♦ ...
India: Planning for May Day Amid Crisis and Fascism
India: Planning for May Day Amid Crisis and Fascism
Planning for May Day 2023 Accelerating Capitalist Crisis Leads to Growth of ICWP in South Asia BENGALURU (India), March 11— “We’re going to keep on fighting,” said a comrade who spr...
El Salvador: Youth and Factory Workers Join ICWP
El Salvador: Youth and Factory Workers Join ICWP
First Time Participants in ICWP Collectives Discuss the Fight for Communism ♦ Students Learn about ICWP and Communism ♦ New Comrades Join ICWP ♦ Letter from a Gar...
Communists Fight Capitalism’s Racism
Communists Fight Capitalism’s Racism
What is racism and how can we end it ♦ South Africa: To defeat all types of bigotry we must win the fight for communism ♦ Did racism exit before capitalism? ♦ Capi...
Letters: Migrant Deaths in Mexico, Imperialist Conflict in Honduras
Letters: Migrant Deaths in Mexico, Imperialist Conflict in Honduras
Ciudad Juarez: Communism will demolish capitalism’s deadly borders ♦ Inter-imperialist fight in Central America calls for communist revolution ♦ Communism Will Demol...

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NEW E-mail: icwp@nym.hush.com
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