EL SALVADOR: FROM THE MOUNTAINS TO THE CITIES ORGANIZING FOR A WORKERS' WORLD"This year, friend, we're going to march and write articles for Red Flag," a worker in a textile factory declared passionately." The worker is developing excellent communist work in his workplace along with a group of workers. "We youth are excited and that's why we started several months ago to plan this great May Day celebration," said a young comrade enthusiastically. "The young farmworkers and others less young –as the comrades always say—are willing to go to the capital to march for the workers and to distribute our newspaper Red Flag," announced an excited comrade from the fields.
As the International Communist Workers' Party, we salute May Day 2013, this immense international workers' day, an unforgettable day for the worldwide working class here in El Salvador and around the world. Farmworkers, students, housewives, unemployed, we see ourselves represented and we say "present" from the four corners of the country. Every time we celebrate this day of the working class, we put another nail in the coffin of capitalism. Every time we show ourselves to be so strong in the streets we assume a leading role for our working class. There was a group of men and women workers looking at the news. Someone said, "Today is Earth Day, and blah blah blah." Suddenly a worker said, "Why fight only to change the climate if we can change the capitalist system for a communist one and thereby we could save the plant once and for all." This profound idea was immensely appreciated by all the others present.
For several months now, the clubs of the International Communist Workers' Party were visited throughout the whole country, from the mountains to the cities. Communist work was at its peak level. It has been a very encouraging effort, since on all sides everyone breathed an atmosphere of joy and camaraderie. The comrades have put all of their experience and spirit into preparing articles for Red Flag, making banners and shirts and producing all the communist literature needed for May Day.
The ideal of building ICWP in the vital and strategic areas of the factories and the army is being strengthened with the commemoration of this International Workers' Day. On this day, thousands of men and women workers will receive the communist newspaper Red Flag. Thousands of pamphlets with our ideological-political line, MMC (Mobilize the Masses for Communism) will be distributed among the workers hungry and thirsty for good news.
We know that on this May Day, 2013, we will see faces we know of people who are always waiting for the communist news from our party.We'll also see other, new faces of those who we hope will receive this news through Red Flag and will appreciate that it is their class brothers and sisters who are developing and building the approach of a communist society.
We will bring them news of a system that benefits the workers and won't see them die only for the capitalist bosses' profits. We will say that we need workers to join our International Communist Workers' Party and develop their revolutionary potential organizing for communist revolution.
Fight to Victory: Workers to power. |
SEATTLE, WA, April 19 — "You can't take May Day away from the working class!" declared a comrade at the ICWP dinner to prepare for the May Day march. Younger comrades perked up when she told how she first came around the communist movement and her first May Day marches. As a young worker at the telephone company, she was attracted to multiracial groups the communists had built: "Kind of like this dinner." "I was very naïve. I thought all we had to do to make a revolution was fight racism, be militant and not make the same mistakes the old communist party did."
She and her family struggled against capitalism for years. She gradually learned that communist ideas were indispensable. "May Day is the only holiday that represents and acknowledges our struggles throughout history and throughout the world. It is especially critical that we continue to expose the reform movements. Capitalism will never be fair. It's more corrupt than ever." The comrade described life under communism: no borders, no money, no cops, no bosses. She asked everyone to join us and bring their families and friends on May Day to fight for communism, for a world without chains.
Overcoming Obstacles
Then the real struggle began among these two dozen or so comrades and friends, to get students to skip school and their parents to encourage this. After all, our aim is communist education for our class, not more capitalist educational competition for individual advancement. Some teachers plan to bring students to the march. Young workers face a particularly hard time getting off work. The capitalist crisis of overproduction has forced them into super-exploitive jobs where time off is an almost-impossible luxury. A new Boeing worker complained that he is forced to work 70-hour weeks, while the company laid off hundreds.
All vowed to make it to at least part of our activities.
A neighbor thought she could drop out of the struggle for ten years and come back to exactly the same situation. "Here and in Mexico, we're always fighting to reform this system. Things will never change as long as there's money," she complained. "Aha!" answered a comrade. "Then let's eliminate money and change the material basis of our lives." The neighbor was skeptical because past revolutions kept money. We acknowledged that was a fatal mistake. Socialism kept capitalist relations, enshrined in monetary exchange. We fight directly for communism, where we'll produce for our collective needs, not for profits and sale.
Last year we overcame many obstacles like these. Four thousand people marched last May Day. Our group distributed Red Flag and Mobilize the Masses for Communism to thousands among them. We saw the potential to build a new kind of communist movement.
Bosses' Media, Cops Declare War on May Day
We weren't the only ones who saw that potential. Seattle newspapers have been running frontpage articles and blistering editorials demanding the cops crack down on May Day demonstrations. The TV and other media are goose-stepping right in line. The old police chief resigned. The new chief vows he won't let the May Day "mayhem" happen on his watch. The media aren't talking about the epidemic of racist beatings and murders of Seattle workers by cops, or the false assault charges the cops had to drop last May Day after it was determined that they did the assaulting. The cops wanted to crush May Day last year. But they were surrounded by thousands of marchers and had to beat a hasty retreat. This year they are trying to scare people away from participating.
Reformist leaders are using this fascism as an excuse to take the revolutionary heart out of May Day. One tactic of these treacherous pro-capitalist liberals was waiting until the last minute to publicize the rally and march route. In contrast, our dinner speaker declared: "I wasn't sure there would be a mass May Day this year. I was ready to gather my friends together and go downtown and celebrate it anyway."
Where did this confidence come from? Our conviction that "you can't take May Day away from the working class and you can't stop the working class from mobilizing the masses for communism." |