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Brazil: Mass Rebellions Spark Talk of Communism

It started with a protest against a 9-cent transportation fare hike in mid-June. Within days, 2 million Brazilians were out in the streets in 80 cities protesting the $$billions the government has squandered building state-of-the-art soccer stadiums for next year's World Cup and the 2016 Olympics while workers are denied healthcare, transportation and education.
Black workers in Brazil, more than half of its population of 200,000, 000 are super-exploited by Brazilian, US, German and, increasingly, by Chinese capitalist-imperialists, receiving half of what white workers get.

To build stadiums and related infrastructure, Brazilian rulers evicted over 250,000 families, mostly black families living in horrific favelas similar to the shantytowns of South Africa. Police with heavy weapons, attack dogs, and helicopters surrounded workers' homes and bulldozed them overnight.
The protests, started by students, spread to the favelas and to industrial workers, who are key to communist revolution.
The International Communist Workers' Party (ICWP) issued a leaflet entitled "Brazil: WORKERS DON'T NEED THE WORLD CUP! WORKERS NEED COMMUNIST REVOLUTION!" in Portuguese, English and Spanish. The leaflet called on workers in Brazil and everywhere to mobilize the masses for communism, the only way to end the wage slavery of racist capitalism.

"Exactly How the Masses Feel"
Our party's leaflet asking workers to organize for communist revolution struck an enthusiastic chord with the masses in the streets of Brazil. A friend who helped us proofread the Portuguese translation distributed leaflets in a northeastern city in Brazil. He said, "This is exactly how the masses feel, they just don't know how to say it. "
This comrade might not realize it, but he has taken a big step in organizing the international working class for communism. This same comrade was outraged when he read our party's leaflet on the mass murders of Bangladeshi garment workers. His hatred for the bosses found revolutionary expression when he himself translated the leaflet into Portuguese and gave it to his coworkers and neighbors. Learning from his experience of distributing the Bangladesh leaflet, the comrade was more organized and reported to us the reaction of the masses when he distributed the leaflet on the rebellion of the Brazilian masses in response to the World Cup.

Slavery and Wage Slavery
"The Worker's Party (PT) has cheated us. In reality they represent the rich bosses of Brazil. We hate them and don't trust them. We can't rely on them, we want to know you (ICWP)," said the comrade's friend at work. "The European colonialists enslaved the native people here and then they brought slaves. The effect of slavery and racism are very deep. The unions and PT never address how to fight wage slavery." "I know," said a co-worker, "I agree 100% with the leaflet and I am sure there are many people like me, but how can you achieve communist revolution? Just look at my own city. They send police with machine guns every time we demand better living conditions." Another friend of the party who lives in São Paulo also distributed the leaflet. He said that there were many big and small strikes in Brazil prior to the recent rebellions. He described how the situation in São Paulo galvanized the workers' mood in the entire country. Want More Information About Communism After May Day, Brazilian teachers in São Paulo went on strike. Their strike was supported by tens of thousands of students. The teachers' union leadership, which is controlled by PT, feared the strike might spread to other workers and they asked the teachers to go back to work at a massive rally in São Paulo. The furious teachers chased the leaders and they had to be rescued by the cops. The situation became explosive when the mostly-black workers in favelas and the neighborhoods where the workers live around the football stadiums joined the rebellion. This friend has some relatives where the aircraft manufacturer Embraer has its largest plant in Brazil. He is making an effort to reach out to these workers with our literature. "Everybody is disgusted and fed up with the politicians and their lies. Dilma is afraid to show her face in public. When you say communism is the only solution, people listen, they think deeply but they have been cheated so many times, they need more proof that communism will work."

What the Streets Tell Us

Millions are "takin' it to the streets." The change these last few years has been so pronounced that even the U.S. bosses' foreign policy establishment has been forced to shift gears. In recent years, they have dealt almost exclusively with how to undermine their imperialist competitors, and as the US decline confronts the rise of China, this is still their main concern. Now, however, they must also factor in rebellion among the masses, starting with or infecting key sections of industrial labor. The working class is in the house!

"Democracy Isn't Working," Chant Millions
Democracy is a convenient cover for imperialism. The bosses' think tanks praise democracy to the heavens.
How then can they explain why there are so many massive street revolts in their sacred democracies? Thomas Friedman of the New York Times reflects the thinking of these ruling class strategists. He comes up with three excuses. He blames elected officials for not respecting minority opposition, especially if this opposition might be friendlier to U.S. bosses' interests. Social networks and smartphones allow the aggrieved to link up with others and hold flash protests. Here he makes the same mistake that many of our friends do, thinking that all you need for a revolution is a Facebook page and a Twitter account, instead of doing the real work of building a base for communism among workers, soldiers, and youth.
Thirdly and crucially, "'middle-class' workers are being squeezed between a shrinking welfare state and a much more demanding job market." This super-wealthy mouthpiece of imperialism, who has worked for the New York Times for thirty years, tells the worlds' workers to work harder and constantly "retool" themselves for new jobs if they want to "be in the middle-class." What hypocritical misleading rubbish! The Truth Will Set the Working Class Free The truth is that capitalism is becoming increasingly ungovernable as the bosses' economic crisis drags on. The bosses can't rule in the old way.
The bosses can't rule in the old way because masses have decided they can't live in the old way. From Egypt to Syria, from Greece to Portugal, from Bangladesh to Turkey, from South Africa to Brazil and back to Egypt, millions testify to this truth.
In the face of such mass unrest, the bosses have tried to preserve their exploitive system by convening or electing new governments. When even that fails, they call out the armed forces like they have in Egypt.
Within these more brutal forms of rule are the seeds of mass revolutionary consciousness. Rank-and-file soldiers are workers themselves. Armed with communist consciousness, they can turn the guns around on the generals and their capitalist masters.
Deciding you can't live in the old way is still not discovering how to live in a new way. That requires a vision of a communist society without money, banks, borders, and, most crucially wage slavery—one that forges new relationships based on collectivity and cooperation.
Masses of workers see through the lies of the bosses' "middle-class" pipedream. Capitalists steal the fruits of our labor every second of every day. The greater crime would be to let the bosses' steal from us the opportunity these rebellions afford our class to end this exploitation with communist revolution.
Understanding the potential of these rebellions echoing across the globe can inspire us to revolutionary initiative. Occupy in the U.S. was an echo of these rebellions. Sharpening class struggle among teachers, farmworkers and industrial workers in Mexico and Central America reflect this growing rebellion, emerging from sharpening inter-imperialist rivalry and the persistent capitalist crisis.

Mobilize the Masses for Communism
Our party invites you to join us in mobilizing the masses for communism. This is our guiding principle, before and after the revolution. Today it takes on particular meaning. For example, consider the 34 martyred miners at Marikana, South Africa or the millions fighting the cops in Brazil. They give the lie to the idea that progressive capitalism can be reformed to serve our interests. They show once again that racist exploitation cannot be eliminated without eliminating capitalism itself. They make the fight for communism even more relevant. Workers have exhibited heroism on a scale not seen in many years, in more places than we can easily imagine. This heroism must not be squandered on replacing one boss with another, one capitalist politician with another. This heroism calls on our Party to spread the vision of a communist world far and wide.
What the streets tell us is that the masses in motion, armed with such a vision, can put an end to the horror that is capitalism. Today the bosses must deal with rebellious masses. When these rebellious masses mobilize for communism, the bosses won't be around to deal with anything.

Contact ICWP: Email: icwp@anonymousspeech.com