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Communist Dialectics Articles


How Can Red Flag Better Help to Mobilize the Masses for Communism?

MTA in L. A.: Political Strike Against Capitalism

Communist Solidarity with Striking Farmworkers

Veteran Farmworker Interview

Socialism Won't Get Us to Communism

Communist Mobilization Will Destroy Imperialism

Citizen-Immigrant Solidarity Needs Communist Outlook

Mobilize Anti-Racist Masses for Communism!

Red Flag Can be a Catalyst

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Bay Area Rapid Transit: Class War Demands Communist Consciousness

SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, August 7— On Monday, August 5th, Governor Brown ordered BART workers to stay on the job for a week while his panel "investigated" the contract negotiations. Such panels usually order a 60-day cooling off period.
It's not only BART workers whom the bosses aim to cool off and demoralize. It's also tens of thousands of government workers in cities, counties, water and power, school, and transit districts across the Bay Area.
After five years of furloughs and cuts in pay, pension, medical, vacation and sick time, government workers are fed up. BART workers are being singled out because of their potential power to choke the Bay Area's freeways. Break the resistance of BART workers, the thinking goes, and the other districts will be broken too.
The BART negotiation is not so much a labor dispute as a skirmish in class war. In legal, organizational and political terms, the unions are incapable of waging class war. They say the capitalist class should run society and workers should be happy if they get a "fair" break. Class war, on the other hand, demands class consciousness: a realization that workers, who create all the value in society, are politically capable of running that society too. Class war needs the organization and leadership of a revolutionary communist party. The small but growing ICWP has set out to be that Party.

Imperialism Shapes BART Conflict
The major issues of the BART strike weren't decided in the Bay Area or even in Sacramento. They were decided before negotiations began. The proposed cuts at BART (and all the Bay Area government agencies) are a direct result of the battle for economic supremacy between capitalist China, capitalist Russia, and capitalist USA.
Listen to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel speaking at the Shangri-la Conference in Singapore last May of Obama's "Pivot to Asia." He insisted that "even under the most extreme budget scenarios, the US military will continue to represent nearly 40% of global defense expenditures."
Talk like that should set off alarms in every school, transit, and water district, every government agency.
But the military is only part of the cost of the "Pivot to Asia." More significant, according to top government advisor Richard Haass, is "the availability of economic assistance to East Asia's poorer countries." (Foreign Affairs). The "availability" of money! That translates directly into "extreme budget scenarios" at BART today, A/C Transit tomorrow and all the other agencies whose contracts expire in coming months.
It all adds up to one simple fact: US rulers want to rob Peter (us) to pay Paul (war contractors).
They are forced to cheapen the cost of US labor in order to expand their struggle for economic supremacy. They want us to accept more pension cuts, higher medical costs, pay and vacation cuts so that they will have "available" the resources to bomb, bully and buy their way to supremacy.

Labor Dispute or Class War?
And this is a labor dispute? No, this is class war ignited by the deepening rivalry between capitalist China and capitalist USA. This sort of rivalry, in turn, inevitably leads to world war.
The US has already wasted over $6 trillion (says economist Joseph Stiglitz) in unsuccessful wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. In short, they are desperate to make more and more money "available" to their losing effort to maintain supremacy.
They will demand more and more sacrifices from us. They are ruthless murderers, and the Chinese and the other capitalists are no better.
Unfortunately, as a class we are not yet organized enough to meet the bosses' onslaught. Trade unionism is no alternative. A/C Transit hacks, against the wishes of the members, refused to back the strike. The traitors who supposedly "represent" Oakland City workers (whose contract is also being negotiated) only managed a one-day token strike.
Only one side wins class war: it's either workers or capitalists. We can't afford to lose, yet we're not organized enough to win. However, we can emerge stronger and more organized from the BART skirmish in this class war by building our revolutionary communist forces.
Communism is not about some distant revolution: it's about mobilizing workers, students and soldiers here and now. All of us must support the BART workers' struggle by trying to organize political strikes against capitalism and its war contracts. We must expose how the imperialists' schemes wreck our day-to-day lives.
We can promote Red Flag to replace the weak culture of trade union solidarity with the powerful one of revolutionary class consciousness. This is how we fight for communism today!


Contract Imposed on AC Transit Workers

As we go to press, in a related development, A/C transit bus drivers and mechanics, whose work areas overlaps with that of BART, had a contract imposed on them by state arbitrators that will save the transit district $38 million over the course of the 3 year contract, or nearly $21,000 per worker. It gives workers a 9.5% raise over three years but then eats up most of the raise by upping workers' payments for their medical benefits. These payments will increase each of the three years, from $70 a month the first year, $140 a month the second year and $180 a month in the third year.

Turn "Fortress North America" into a Revolutionary Stronghold

"Our vision, working with Mexico, is that they become more of a regional strategic partner and more of an outward-looking military. During the past two to three years, as the Mexican army and Mexican navy have taken on a larger role beyond internal security issues, our relationship with them has really grown and expanded."
—US Major-General Francis G. Mahon, Northcom Director for Strategy, Plans and Policy

As the capitalist bosses of US and Mexico plan for world war, the working class youth in their armies must plan to unite and turn the guns around for communist revolution. These war plans respond to the deepening capitalist economic crisis of overproduction, the worst since the 1930s. This crisis is intensifying the capitalists-imperialists' dog-eatdog competition for raw materials, cheap labor and markets. Further spurring this dogfight is the rise of China as the main challenger to US imperialism's position as the world's top-dog.
This rivalry can only be resolved by war: world war.
This war has been brewing for some time. We can't predict when it will explode but our duty is to warn and prepare our class to turn the bosses' carnage into a class war for communist revolution. We can end forever all wars by eliminating the profit system that needs and breeds them.
For this, we must build our communist forces in two key sectors of our class: industrial workers and soldiers. Besides concentrating our organizing and mass distribution of our literature among these sectors, we must win our youth to become industrial workers or soldiers to massively recruit these crucial elements into our Party.
To do this, to win our Party and our class to take the necessary steps that will guarantee our victory, we must expose how the world's capitalists-imperialists are furthering their genocidal plans.

World's Imperialists Consolidating Their Turf in Preparation for Global War
China is striving to control Taiwan and the South China Sea, Russia the Ukraine and its ex- Central Asia Republics, Europe the Eastern European countries, and the US what it now calls "Fortress North America."
This is a retreat for the US imperialists. Gone are the days when the whole continent, from Canada to Argentina, marched to the orders of the US bosses. Then, they called their military strategy "Fortress America." Today it has been reduced to Canada, the US and Mexico.

US Imperialism's Main Military Strategy: "Pivot or Rebalancing" to Asia-Pacific
The US strategy is to fight China in the Asia- Pacific region. "Pivoting or rebalancing" to this region means making long-term preparations for an eventual military clash with the China-Russia- Iran axis. This strategy has three main components: One is to further encircle China militarily, preventing China from consolidating its hold on the South China Sea and Taiwan, both of which are crucial for China's military strategy.
Another is to control all the Pacific chokeholds through which the bulk of China's imports and exports must flow. Its aims to be able to cut off China's oil imports during a confrontation. At present China imports 57% of the oil it consumes, and 80% of it travels through these chokeholds. The third is to exploit the territorial disputes between China and its neighbors - Japan, Australia, the Philippines, Vietnam and others – to forge military alliances. US rulers hope these allies will commit themselves to fight China.

Mexico More Crucial than Ever to US Imperialists' War Strategy
Fighting the China-Russia-Iran axis will require tens of millions of troops and a huge industrial workforce to produce, as cheaply as possible, the enormous quantities of weapons such a war demands. It will also devour huge amounts of raw materials, especially oil and natural gas. Mexico is not only crucial for its vast quantities of oil, which are conveniently close to US imperialism, but also because of its huge modern industrial base and a population of 110 million. Half of them are under 29 years of age.
This means a giant reservoir of skilled and unskilled workers who now produce immense profits for US bosses, while giving them a competitive edge in world markets. In times of war, they will produce vast quantities of weapons for US imperialism just as cheaply. Millions more will be recruited to fight and die for US imperialism. The new Mexican labor and education reform laws fit neatly into the US bosses plans. The labor law guts work rules, full-time jobs, and pensions.
Today, Mexican workers' wages are even lower than wages in China. This benefits US bosses' current profitability and sets the basis for the slave-like conditions needed for war production. The education reform is to build patriotism and obedience to capitalism. It also aims at producing literate healthy workers and potential soldiers. English and computer classes are now part of the high-school curriculum, along physical education and nutrition improvement.
The Mexican military is working closely with the Pentagon to guarantee the eventual recruitment of millions of these youth into the Mexican army to serve under US command. In May 2012, the US and Mexico conducted joint military exercises: the beginning of an eventual fusion.
Our task is to fuse the international working class into a revolutionary fighting force for communism! The nucleus of this force is the International Communist Workers Party.

Contact ICWP: Email: icwp@anonymousspeech.com