FIGHT FOR COMMUNISM!International Communist Workers Party | |
SEATTLE, July "You can talk all the mess you want," said an angry
machinist, referring to the demonstrations
against the Trayvon murder
trial that reverberated throughout the
Boeing factories, "but if you want
things to really happen you have to
hit [the bosses] in the wallet." We
were discussing political strikes
against the system.
"We want more than to hit the
capitalists in the wallet," added a
Summer Project participant. "We
don't want any wallets! We want to
end racist capitalism altogether with
communist revolution."
That's why the party's sign outside
the biggest aerospace plant said,
"Trayvon, Layoffs, Productivity
Schemes: Strike the Whole Damn
Capitalists organize production to
sell products. Each boss needs to
maximize his/her profit. Money
measures all the value stolen
through the exploitation of our
brothers and sisters and ourselves.
Communist production will be for
use. Each of us will get what we
need. No matter where we work, we
will contribute collectively for the
good of our class and according to
our abilities.
No capital need be accumulated.
Hence, no need for exploitation, no
need for racism to divide and
weaken the working class, no need
for money to mark exchange and
profits, no wallets except maybe to
carry pictures of your loved ones!
Summer Project Leaflets Start
Workers from every ethnic group
were angry over the verdict. One operator
brought it home when he referred
to the Seattle Police
Department (SPD).
"Everyone knows the SPD's been known to shoot anybody," he said in
disgust, citing past and recent examples
of racist shootings and beatings.
Summer project volunteers distributed
hundreds of party flyers detailing
how racism was a product of
capitalism, how communism would
eliminate the material basis of
racism. Mobilizing the communistinspired
masses will put an end to
the legacy inherited from this rotten
These leaflets started many debates
in the three main Boeing factories
in the Puget Sound area. One
such debate was about Wal-Mart.
The local media made a big deal
of some angry protestors who broke
into the Crenshaw (L.A.) Wal-Mart.
Many Boeing workers noted that
Wal-Mart notoriously super-exploits
their employees. Other Red Flag
readers added that the company
wouldn't even sign the grossly inadequate
pact the European distributors
proposed to improve safety
standards after the Bangladesh garment
factory collapse that killed
1271 workers a few months ago.
Meanwhile, they continue to reap
the profits from these bloodstained
The crime of breaking into Wal-
Mart pales before the crime of
owning it.
Another friend commented on the
mass rebellions in these kinds of
"3rd world countries" and the
emerging capitalist powers. "Considering
that this country is becoming
more like a 3rd world country
for so many workers and young people,
it's getting more likely it's going
to happen here."
It Ain't Over Yet
"It ain't over yet," said more than
one worker. The demonstrations
continued throughout the week, but
many workers had something more
than just this case in mind.
One Boeing Machinists drove 25
miles to come to the closing Summer
Project BBQ. He joined sixty
others, including a multi-racial
group of young people who had spoken
at various demonstrations
throughout the week as well as
workers of many generations and
countries. After discussing the world
situation with new friends for hours,
he left telling the volunteers, "The
next time you come up for a project
I may have joined your organization!"
With more like him joining the
ICWP, the rebellions won't be over,
but the bosses' days will be numbered
LOS ANGELES— "Tell me exactly
how communism is going to
get rid of racism!" said a Black
young woman who saw our signs at
the Trayvon Martin rally.
"Capitalism was born with racism
and to fight racism we need to fight
capitalism. With communist revolution
we will be getting rid of the
material basis of racism, which includes
wages, privilege, exploitation,
and inequality. By mobilizing
the masses to be active participants
and decision makers in the whole
new society that we are creating, we
will finally get rid of racism once
and for all," we answered her.
"That sounds interesting; give me
one of your papers," she said.
The Los Angeles ICWP Summer
Project has been good. It has given
us an opportunity to deepen our understanding
of communism. It has
helped younger people develop as
committed communists. One
young comrade took the initiative to
keep a record of the number of Red
Flags distributed, and broke down
the percentages of areas of distribution.
Then he pointed out "we have
to visit the low area more and make
sure that we increase the percentage
there". We have had good study
Summer Project volunteers also
visited rallying airport maintenance
workers with Red Flag. They welcomed
our communist ideas and
asked about the new type of society
we are fighting for. We met an old
friend, got her number and are in
contact with her. One young man
declared, "I was surprised to see that
every worker we approached took
the paper."
We were involved in several actions
around the Trayvon Martin
case. A youth volunteer concluded, "The liberal capitalists are using this case as a
tool to try to convince youth and workers to support
their own agenda of doing away with the
Stand Your Ground Law."
He added, "That's why it was important that
we participated in rallies with other comrades,
and took the opportunity to educate the masses
by distributing close to 700 Red Flags at Leimert
Park (an African American historical center)
among other places.
We had many good conversations about communism.
One young comrade said, "This experience
has given me more confidence in our
After Obama's speech in response to the
verdict, a young summer project
volunteer said, "Obama's greater goal is to abolish
the Stand Your Ground Law which would
help him further his goal in disarming the masses.
There is a saying that guns don't kill people, people
kill people. The masses require guns in order
to overtake the government and the ruling
That is why it is important to win the youth to
join the army in order to mobilize workers in the
military in order to have access to guns and other
weapons. We need to mobilize the masses for a
communist revolution, not capitalist "justice."
Then and only then will Trayvon Martin's and all
the other lives lost to racism and its parent, capitalism,
be avenged.