Volume 12, Number 3

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Delhi, India: Farmers block highways on 100th day of mass protests

India: Planting Seeds of Communism in Farmers’ Struggle
India: Planting Seeds of Communism in Farmers’ Struggle
Communist philosophy and Revolutionary Change ♦ Support and Build Communist Work Internationally ♦ Farmworkers’ protest, International Working Women’s Day India: Communi...
El Salvador: Need Communist Organization, Not Elections
El Salvador: Need Communist Organization, Not Elections
Maquila Workers Organize New Party Collective ♦ Facing Crisis, Workers Need Greater Organization not Elections ♦ "Let’s Destroy Capitalism and Let's Build Communism -- IC...
South Africa: Only Communism Can End Exploitation
South Africa: Only Communism Can End Exploitation
Communism is the Only Solution to Crime and Exploitation ♦ Let’s Unite for Communism ♦ In Xhosa: "Workers of the World, Unite!" Communism is the Only Solution to Cr...
1871 Paris Commune: Fight for State Power
1871 Paris Commune: Fight for State Power
Let’s Commemorate the Paris Commune of 1871 by Mobilizing the Masses for Communism Today   Part III: Workers Must Seize State Power Paris workers and National Guard s...
Aerospace Workers Reject Capitalist-Created Mass Unemployment
Aerospace Workers Reject Capitalist-Created Mass Unemployment
Workers Debate how to Escape Boeing’s Mass Unemployment ♦ Boeing’s Disasters Left Hundreds Dead ♦ Communist Struggle Leads to Greater Understanding ♦ For dec...
Nature Creates Hazards – Capitalism Causes Disasters
Nature Creates Hazards – Capitalism Causes Disasters
Capitalists Create Disasters, Workers Create Solutions Austin, TX, USA, February 25—Members of the Austin Guerrilla Plumber Corps work to replace a water heater. The corps o...
Movie Review: "Judas and the Black Messiah"
Movie Review: "Judas and the Black Messiah"
Another Hollywood Cover-Up   Minneapolis, USA, March 8—Protestors at trial of killer cop Derek Chauvin. His murder of George Floyd sparked multiracial rebellions around the wo...
Letters: COVID, Racism and US Schools
Letters: COVID, Racism and US Schools
Re-Opening the Schools—For Whom? Schools in Los Angeles, like a lot of the US, have been closed for a year due to COVID-19. Parents, teachers, and students are fed up with the s...
Letter: Imperialism (US, European, Chinese) and War
Letter: Imperialism (US, European, Chinese) and War
When Capitalists Speak of Peace, Communists Prepare for Class War “America is back!” US Pres. Biden told European leaders in a recent meeting.   The USA is not America, Mr. Biden...
Letter: Sexism and Class Society
Letter: Sexism and Class Society
Abolish Private Property: Communism Will Be the True “Beloved Community” “What is the ‘beloved community’?” A few church members discussed how a community could truly welcome eve...
Letters: Communist History and Culture
Letters: Communist History and Culture
Music Also Fights for a Better World ♦ Lycurgus and his Economic Revolution ♦ Protest in Barcelona. Banner in Catalan reads: “Liberate Pablo Hasél. Rapping Is Not...

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