Volume 13, Number 2

The International Communist Workers’ Party condemns both the Russians invasion of Ukraine and US/NATO expansionist provocation in the region. This Inter-imperialist war is affecting the international working class and, as Putin’s recent statement illustrates, has the potential to lead to nuclear war. We call on workers and soldiers in Ukraine, Russia and around the world to turn their weapons on their own oppressors, and to fight for a communist world without exploitation, nations and war. More here

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March 8: International Working Women’s Day

 International Working Women’s Day invites us to struggle to mobilize the masses for a communist society. The end of wage slavery and class distinctions will destroy the material base for sexism in all its forms. ICWP will use communist workers’ power to broaden the struggle that we carry out today against sexist ideas and practices. Communism and only communism can end the oppression of women!

Read Our Pamphlet: “The Communist Fight Against Sexism” here

India: Communist Revolution Will End Capitalist Racism and Casteism
India: Communist Revolution Will End Capitalist Racism and Casteism
Fight Capitalist Schooling ♦ Defeat Capitalist Race and Caste Divisions, Mobilize for Communism ♦ Karnataka, India, Feb 9  -- Students and teachers protest exclusion of w...
Inflation: Capitalists Can’t Control Their Own System
Inflation: Capitalists Can’t Control Their Own System
Workers Must Destroy Capitalism with Communist Revolution February 4—Workers for Trendyol, a huge Turkish e-commerce outfit, got a 38% pay increase following a strike—but the...
ICWP Builds International Struggle with New Anti-Racism Pamphlet
ICWP Builds International Struggle with New Anti-Racism Pamphlet
February 6– “I am Dalit, I have experienced first-hand the poverty brought by casteism,” a comrade in India declared.  “I am organizing six young Dalits in a nearby mining area.  I...
New Maquila Workers’ Collective Makes Plans to Advance Communist Work
New Maquila Workers’ Collective Makes Plans to Advance Communist Work
EL SALVADOR, February 14— “I have spent all my youth working in that factory,” said a comrade. “My labor power has stayed there. Together with the other workers, I have lived through...
South Africa: Citizen and Immigrant Workers, Unite to Smash Capitalism’s Divisions
South Africa: Citizen and Immigrant Workers, Unite to Smash Capitalism’s Divisions
Johannesburg, South Africa, 2015 SOUTH AFRICA, February 12—Since the start of the pandemic, xenophobic attacks against foreign-born workers have skyrocketed at the hands of police a...
Canadian Truckers’ Blockade: Part of Worldwide Fascist Movement
Canadian Truckers’ Blockade: Part of Worldwide Fascist Movement
Only Communism can destroy worldwide fascist movement ♦ Mask Mandate Protest: Cover-up for Racist Fascism ♦ Canadian Cops Coddle Racist Convoy ♦ Only Commu...
From Prehistory to the Future: Choosing How We Will Live
From Prehistory to the Future: Choosing How We Will Live
How Racist Capitalism lies ♦ Anarchist writer attacks Communism ♦ Indigenous forager people built huge earthworks at Poverty Point (USA) some 3500 years ago. Sim...
The Illusion of the Vote and the Reality of Communist Revolution
The Illusion of the Vote and the Reality of Communist Revolution
Nurses Protest Inflation, Venezuela, 2019 “The illusion of having a socialist or progressive president, in the long run, is as harmful as a fascist,” said a comrade during a d...
Ukraine: Crises Inevitable in Capitalism, Unnecessary in Communism
Ukraine: Crises Inevitable in Capitalism, Unnecessary in Communism
Imperialist War Over Ukraine Inevitable Under Capitalism. Communism Will Make Fights Over Land, Water, Energy Unnecessary Our planet is ravaged by capitalism-caused climate change,...
Working-Class History:  Irish Rebels Showed that Workers Can Overcome Divisions and Run Society
Working-Class History: Irish Rebels Showed that Workers Can Overcome Divisions and Run Society
This past January marked the 50th anniversary of what is known in Britain as “Bloody Sunday.” On January 30, 1972, fifteen thousand people marched unarmed for civil rights in Der...
Letters to Red Flag
Letters to Red Flag
Puerto Rico Teachers Protests ♦ Education is more than Schooling ♦ Joy of Communism ♦ Puerto Rico:  Mass Teachers’ Protests PUERTO RICO, February 16— Thous...
To Readers and Comrades:  Red Flag Needs Your Help
To Readers and Comrades: Red Flag Needs Your Help
“From each according to ability/commitment, to each according to need.”  It sounds great!  But how do we put it into practice? We learn from history and theory, but the answer must ...

Join the International Communist Workers’ Party
www.icwpredflag.org — Twitter @RedFlagBandera
NEW E-mail: icwp@nym.hush.com
Instagram: @icwprf   Facebook: icwpredflag
Write to: P.M.B. 362 3006 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA