Volume 12, Number 1

(Sitio en Español aquí)

January 26, 2021: Mass farmer-worker protests in India show potential for communist revolution

India: Farmers Ignite the Fury of the Future
India: Farmers Ignite the Fury of the Future
Fighting Fascism ♦ Why We Need Communism ♦ Report from India comrades here Fighting Fascism from India to the US INDIA, January 26— Farmers march into Delhi, welco...
Workers Fired Up to Fight Racist Fascism with Communism
Workers Fired Up to Fight Racist Fascism with Communism
Communist discussions on racism and fascism fire up workers ♦ Collective Discussions Build ICWP ♦ Democratic Party Main Danger ♦ Fight Looming Fascism ♦ ...
Migrant Caravan: Fight for Communism Wherever You Go
Migrant Caravan: Fight for Communism Wherever You Go
Nine thousand men, women and children are walking north in a caravan from Honduras because capitalist crisis has forced them to leave their homes to survive. They hope to get to...
El Salvador: Communist Workers in Solidarity with Garment Workers’ Struggle
El Salvador: Communist Workers in Solidarity with Garment Workers’ Struggle
Communist Solidarity with Garment Workers Occupying Factory ♦ Women Workers in Struggle Appreciate Communist Solidarity ♦ Workers Need Revolution, Not Elections ♦ ...
Communist Transit Workers on the Move
Communist Transit Workers on the Move
Growing ICWP Transit Workers’ Collective LOS ANGELES (USA), January 27—The political work of organizing the International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP) at Metropolitan Trans...
Paris Commune: 1871-2021
Paris Commune: 1871-2021
Celebrating the Paris Commune of 1871 by Mobilizing Masses for Communism Today “Are you going to fire on us? On your brothers? On our husbands? On our children?” A Parisian wom...
US President Biden’s New War Cabinet
US President Biden’s New War Cabinet
Biden-Harris Administration Prepares to Confront China Let’s Mobilize for Communism, Not for “Diverse” Imperialism January 26—A friend tweeted, “Happy Inauguration Day U-U-U...
“Freedom of Speech” : Social Media and the Working Class
“Freedom of Speech” : Social Media and the Working Class
Trump, Freedom of Speech, and the Future of Social Media for the Working Class LOS ANGELES (USA)— “Hey, did you hear they banned Donald Trump from social media?” a coworker asked...
Letters to Red Flag
Letters to Red Flag
Racist NYPD attack on MLK day ♦ Comrade in El Salvador’s experience in guerrilla army ♦ Party Collectives key to Communist Work ♦ Racist New York City Police ...

Join the International Communist Workers’ Party
www.icwpredflag.org — Twitter @RedFlagBandera
E-mail: icwp@anonymousspeech.com
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Write to: P.M.B. 362 3006 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA