Volume 12, Number 6

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May Day: Mobilize the Masses for Communism and Communist Solidarity with Indian Workers

May Day in San Salvador. Banners:  “Solidarity and struggle with workers in India and around the world.  ICWP. Communism is oxygen for the working class.” “Building the Worldwide Proletarian Revolution” “International Communist Workers’ Party”

India : Communist Comradeship Defies Capitalism’s Deadly Pandemic
India : Communist Comradeship Defies Capitalism’s Deadly Pandemic
India article ♦ Tribute to Comrade Bai ♦ “I might be dying but I want to see these profiteers buried alive” INDIA, May 9— “On the one hand, hoarding, taking adva...
El Salvador May Day: Workers and Youth Bring Communism to the Masses
El Salvador May Day: Workers and Youth Bring Communism to the Masses
May Day march article ♦ letters from marchers ♦ El Salvador, May 1— distributing Red Flag to May Day marchers EL SALVADOR — “In past years we started meeting i...
USA May Day: Advancing in Los Angeles, Seattle
USA May Day: Advancing in Los Angeles, Seattle
Seattle ♦ Los Angeles ♦ Marching on May Day, Making Communist Plans SEATTLE (USA), May1— “I’m so glad I came today!” said a friend who hadn’t done much with ICW...
South Africa May Day: Building New Leadership
South Africa May Day: Building New Leadership
South Africa ♦ Spain ♦ May Day Dinner in South Africa Develops New Leaders PORT ELIZABETH (South Africa)—On the 1st of May we hosted May Day by having a dinne...
Mexico May Day: End Exploitation, Defeat Capitalist Ideology
Mexico May Day: End Exploitation, Defeat Capitalist Ideology
May Day in Mexico, 2021 May Day: End Exploitation, Overcome Capitalist Ideology, Unite for Communism! MEXICO CITY — A few thousand workers and youth marched here this May D...
US National Service: Preparation for War
US National Service: Preparation for War
U.S. Mobilization for War Against China: Communists Need to Mobilize for Communist Revolution “We’re in competition with China and other countries to win the 21st Century,” state...
El Salvador: Another Front in US-China Conflict
El Salvador: Another Front in US-China Conflict
Biden, Xi, Bukele: Deadly for Workers: Communist Revolution will put an End to Capitalism, Imperialism EL SALVADOR — "China should help the country, so that it stops being a...
US Racism: 1921 Tulsa to 2020 George Floyd
US Racism: 1921 Tulsa to 2020 George Floyd
George Floyd, one year later ♦ Tulsa massacre ♦ Minneapolis, (USA), May 28, 2020—Protesting the racist murder of George Floyd, angry masses burned Minneapolis Polic...
World’s Workers Up in Arms Over COVID Catastrophe
World’s Workers Up in Arms Over COVID Catastrophe
Cambridge MA (USA) Protest at Moderna headquarters Build ICWP Collectives to Reach Angry Masses SEATTLE (US)— “This is the next war,” said K as he contemplated an increasingly deadl...
Protests in Colombia Show Workers Need Communism
Protests in Colombia Show Workers Need Communism
I have lived in the working-class Chapinero neighborhood of Bogota, Colombia for ten years. About three weeks ago, my friends and I went to a call for a strike in front of the government...
Palestinians Rebel Against Fascist Israeli Evictions and Murders
Palestinians Rebel Against Fascist Israeli Evictions and Murders
  May 12—As Red Flag goes to press, the United Nations is warning that the escalating conflict between Hamas and Israel could lead to all-out war. But US and British imperialist m...
Letters to Red Flag
Letters to Red Flag
This May Day I distributed Red Flag ♦ Putting Talents to Work for the Masses ♦ We are Comrades, not allies ♦ This May Day I Distributed Red Flag On May F...

Join the International Communist Workers’ Party
www.icwpredflag.org — Twitter @RedFlagBandera
E-mail: icwp@anonymousspeech.com
Instagram: @icwprf   Facebook: icwpredflag
Write to: P.M.B. 362 3006 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA