Volume 12, Number 8

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LIVORNO (Italy), May 20 — Dockworkers refuse to load weapons on a cargo ship headed for Israel.

Communist World Without Money: No Bitcoin or Currency
Communist World Without Money: No Bitcoin or Currency
Imperialist Rivalry Behind Currency War: Communism Means No Money, No Exchange --- Produce and Share to Meet Humanity’s Needs EL SALVADOR, June 20—“I need you to help me, becau...
India: Auto Workers Advance Communist Work
India: Auto Workers Advance Communist Work
Tamil Nadu, India—Auto workers on strike in January, 2019 CHENNAI (India), June 19— “We are going to remember comrade Bai,” said comrade Vishu in Chennai. “She will remain in...
El Salvador, US: Industrial Workers Spread Red Flag
El Salvador, US: Industrial Workers Spread Red Flag
Expanding Communist Work to New Factory ♦ MTA Workers Eager to Build Fight for Communism ♦ Workers and Youth Learn Abut Communism ♦ El Salvador: Expanding Commu...
Aerospace Workers: Communism will Defeat Racist Oppression and War Propaganda
Aerospace Workers: Communism will Defeat Racist Oppression and War Propaganda
Communist Collective Production Key to End Racism ♦ Boeing Workers Fight Racist War Propaganda ♦ Seattle, March 2021. Demonstration against Anti-Asian Racism ...
Central America: "Migration, Class Struggle, and the Revolutionary Alternative of ICWP
Central America: "Migration, Class Struggle, and the Revolutionary Alternative of ICWP
Causes of Migration and the Revolutionary Alternative of ICWP ♦ Learning from History of Class Struggle in Central America ♦ Banana Workers Strike, 1954 The His...
Juneteenth: True History of US Slavery and the Fight to End It
Juneteenth: True History of US Slavery and the Fight to End It
Juneteenth Holiday ♦ History of the Fight Against Us Slavery ♦ The 1811 German Coast Uprising, led by Charles Deslondes, previously enslaved in Haiti, was the big...
G7 and NATO: US-China Conflict Sharpens
G7 and NATO: US-China Conflict Sharpens
US and Allies on Collision Course with China and Russia: Workers & Soldiers Must Prepare for Communist Revolution The G7, NATO and the US-EU Summits, which ended June 13-15,...
Sexism, Misogyny and Class Society
Sexism, Misogyny and Class Society
The Fight Against Sexism and Homophobia Shows Need to Abolish Private Property “I liked your article,” wrote Alice. “Makes me long for a more collective way of living.” I had...
Letters to Red Flag
Letters to Red Flag
British Workers Need Communism, Not Capitalist National Healthcare ♦ Communist Philosophy Teaches Patience and Persistence ♦ Communism: From Each According to Commitment and...
Italian Dockworkers Show Power of International Class  Solidarity
Italian Dockworkers Show Power of International Class Solidarity
May 20—Dockworkers in the port of Livorno (Italy) refused to load weapons on a cargo ship after discovering that they were headed for Israel. One said, “We have no intention to fac...

Join the International Communist Workers’ Party
www.icwpredflag.org — Twitter @RedFlagBandera
E-mail: icwp@nym.hush.com
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Write to: P.M.B. 362 3006 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA