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International Communist Workers Party

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BOEING CONTRACT: No to Extortion!





RED FLAG Article Series

Communist Dialectics


BART Strike: Workers Need Political Strike for Communism

Capitalism Wages Racist War on Boeing Workers

Production for Need, Not for Profit

Seattle Teachers Interested in Communist Education

California Trust Act: Trust the Government? No!

New View of Haitian Revolution

Mexico: Dinner Advances the Building of Communism

Communism: The Only Healthy System

Dialectical Thinking Before Marxism

Letters to RED FLAG

Previous Issue

RED FLAG Archive


Communist Mobilization:

Los Angeles MTA

LOS ANGELES, CA.—The reaction of many MTA workers to the communist analysis in Red Flag (Vol. 4, #18) about the African-American mechanic who has been subjected to harassment and racist discrimination has been overwhelmingly positive.
A very excited mechanic shouted to a member of ICWP, "This is great; we need this kind of article so we can be united. United we're stronger, and disorganized we are weak and that's precisely what the bosses want. But with Red Flag, they're not going to get it." When the ICWP club made the decision to write the article, we consulted with several Red Flag readers at MTA. An African-American co-worker told us, "Sounds like a good idea to me, since if the Party is capable of winning this co-worker, I assure you that they could then win many more."
At first it seemed like a crazy idea since it appeared that many workers justified the attacks against this worker because they thought that his attitude was the cause of the bosses' attacks on all the other workers. Currently the bosses have started writing warning notes to other mechanics that they could be fired, threatening the whole maintenance division of being "Under the Microscope" and that anyone who cannot justify or satisfy the criteria of the parasite bosses will receive a warning.
However the article in Red Flag has given a different atmosphere to the situation. The mechanics, service attendants and drivers who have read the article have realized that this is a planned attack and that the worker who was threatened with being fired is only one more victim, like so many black, latin and white youth who are in jail for not having a future under the capitalist system.
According to the comments and the reaction of the workers, it is not fear that they feel, but anger and combativeness. The following are some comments made to Red Flag distributors:
* One worker said, "We all liked the article. It seems that it is a new era of unity and struggle." * A night shift worker said, "Terrific: it's the pure truth."
* A group of workers who were talking about it commented that is was very good and that "now the bosses realize that we have a voice." * A worker said, "When the manager was reading the newspaper, with each paragraph that he read, he got redder."
* After reading the article, a mechanic on second shift said ironically, "And the union? Very well, thank you." (Read: Completely useless, thank you.)
Also, there were two comments from workers who were not convinced of the correctness of defending the co-worker under attack. However, after discussions about the essence of these attacks, now they are more involved in the preparations for future struggles and are realizing that an attack against one is an attack against all.
Worldwide, the bosses are going through a deep economic crisis and their juicy profits are declining and they are threatened worldwide by other capitalist powers. The ruling class knows this and is preparing for a world war. They need $billions to maintain a military machine capable of beating the other empires.
To make those $billions, the bosses will lower wages, speed up labor power, lower benefits and carry out other attacks against our class. A group of three mechanics commented that it was necessary and important to ensure that Red Flag is read by more mechanics and other MTA workers, to prepare a collective response in the future.
The communist analysis of this problem has taught us that the workers are open to communist ideas and that our collective communist solutions have found fertile ground in the heart of the working class. Workers will try to beat back this bosses' attack but since the bosses' attacks are unrelenting, our fight must be to destroy them and their system with communist revolution. To that end, we invite these workers to Red Flag study groups, to spread Red Flag, and to join the fight for communism. Let's be bold; we have nothing to lose and a world to win.

Communist Mobilization:

El Salvador Sweat Shops

EL SALVADOR— "We have to learn how to lead these big groups of workers," said a young comrade, surprised at how many factory workers had shown up to meet with ICWP.
One of the organizers of the meeting answered, "Get used to it, comrade, because from now on we are only going to have groups like this."
Women and men workers from four factories came to this meeting with different expectations. A worker said, "We want to know more deeply about the goal of the ICWP." That is how the meeting began.
Party comrades presented the main ideas in our manifesto, Mobilize the Masses for Communism. At the beginning of the conversation, comrades explained the irreconcilable difference between reform and revolution. One of those responsible for explaining the communist line of ICWP said, "Comrades, the only solution for our working class is joining the communist process. Forget about building the organizations that only prolong the life of capitalism!" This statement opened the discussion more and resulted in some workers making the decision to join the struggle to establish the workers' system One woman worker was very clear in talking about the union leaders who have sold out to the system, and that this is a sign that the communist system is needed immediately. "It depends on us whether the communist system is far off or near," concluded a Party comrade. There is still resistance among workers who still believe that through reform or crumbs from the bosses, power can be achieved. However, this resistance is lessening every day. But the point was made that the only way to achieve power is through communist revolution. It's not true that the bosses are good people with the sell-out reformists, since they only use them to keep exploiting the working class.
The working class demands that either you are in favor of communist revolution or you are against it. Time is running out for the reformists, and the only thing left for the workers is the organization of an international communist party that is the workers' vanguard. At the end of the meeting, eleven Red Flag readers took the enormous step of becoming new fighters for communism now fully organized in ICWP. These small but great victories of the working class suggest that communist revolution is closer. Every step of our communist organization is a nail in the coffin of capitalism and its servants.
At the end of the meeting, we made a plan that the next meeting will be at the beach and there we'll continue to discuss building ICWP more in this area of the world.

Contact ICWP: Email: icwp@anonymousspeech.com